Terms & Conditions

  • As wineries often change vintages without notice, we have not included vintages in this Price Book. Vintages may be requested from our sales representative and provided to you quickly.

  • Pricing may change without prior notice due to the dramatic currency fluctuations or sudden cost increases from the wineries. However, we will do our very best to give you as much early notice as possible on any price adjustments.

    The costs indicated herein are specified for trade. You may request an arrangement for discounts and deals with us if you frequently purchase big volumes.

  • Initial transactions are required to be settled in full cash prior to product delivery. Once a relationship has been established, we are open to discussing a trading terms revision with you. However, failure to settle payments on time will have your terms reverted into the initial standard setup.

    All orders quoted on a Cost + Freight (C+F) basis requires advanced payment.

  • Our credit department can set a suitable limit for you. Cash payment is required to settle exceeding cost on your total final order.

  • Orders will only be processed once we receive the Official Purchase Order from you. Urgent orders can only be accommodated if placed as early and soon as possible.

    Purchase Orders may be physically forwarded to our office at 217 Nicanor Garcia Street, Bel-air Village, Makati City. You may also reach us through the following:

    By Mobile: +639175990031

    By Email: criseldaaquino@winewarehouse.com.ph

    Our current working hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9AM to 6PM

  • To get our payment details, please email your assigned sales representative.