Origin: Austria
The foundation for the Vorarlberg family business 11er Nahrungsmittel GmbH were laid by Wilhelm Grabher in 1941. Back in those days he founded a small mobile greengrocery business together with his brothers. Eventually the leading producer of potato specialities in Austria was to develop from the concept of supplying the surrounding villages with fresh vegetables. The pledge of quality was already a firm part of our company culture then and continues as such to the present day
There are over 5,000 different varieties of potatoes worldwide. But not all potatoes are the same. We use only yellow flesh potatoes from the choicest growing areas along the Danube and the March as well as southern Bavaria to give our French fries, Röstis, croquettes & co. their distinctive golden-yellow colour after frying.
Only the best
We trust in the many years of experience of our 11er farmers. They have been involved in growing and then harvesting the potatoes for many years. At the same time, they make sure that the quality of the seed potatoes always remains the same. This allows us to get the best out of the potatoes year after year. Making sure that every recipe is a resounding success
11er pleasure products
Home-made tastes delicious. Anyone who has tried it knows that you can tell the best quality by its taste. This is why we are constantly experimenting, improving and creating new things. That’s how we make THE BEST OF THE POTATO. We use our origins as a source of inspiration when manufacturing the 11er potato specialities. Our company has been owner-managed for generations. We live this every day with pride.